The idea of buying something printed on paper, of which I was going to use a lot of, just didn't appeal to me that much. They have pre-made versions as well as build-your-own modular style. Storm Tactical and Impact Databooks would be a couple of the more popular out there. Some you pay for, and some you can download for free. The first thing you will notice when you do a search for "rifle data book" is a few hundred different databooks and styles of data logging. Without accurate data, no real wisdom can be gained or passed on.

From reloading to inventory to keeping a log of each shot fired and the result on target. It is the quintessential skill of an accomplished shooter. These questions as well as many others can be answered by data logging. How many rounds have I fired in this rifle? What is my come-up to 682yds when it's 73f? How much wind hold do I need in a 6mph 3 O'clock wind for a target at 500yds? How often am I cleaning the barrel? Am I becoming a better shooter, worse shooter, or staying the same? How good am I at shooting in a wind greater than 10mph?